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Ch 1 − Introduction to Powerbase
1.1 Description and installation
Powerbase is a flat-file database management system for use with Acorn
32-bit RISC computers. Versions from 6.xx onward are only usable with RISC
OS 3.1 or later. If you are using RISC OS 2 you will require a different
version of Powerbase which has a version number of the type 5.xx. Many of
the features described in this manual are not present in that version of
Powerbase but appropriate documentation in the form of text-files can be
provided. This manual was fully revised in December 2000 to comply with v.
8.00 of Powerbase and users (other than RISC OS 2 users) of earlier versions
are strongly advised to upgrade to this version, which incorporates many new
features and is fully compatible with StrongArm and RISC OS 4.02. The
software, documentation and sample databases may be downloaded from our
website at www.pendle.ukgateway.net/
1.1.1 Hardware requirements
It is quite feasible to use Powerbase on a 1Mb machine with a single floppy
disc drive and, if your database runs to only a few hundred short records
(e.g. an address-book), you might find such a system quite adequate for your
needs. You will, however, find report creation rather slow when working
from a floppy disc and a hard disc is strongly recommended, even for a small
database; for large databases it is essential. If you have to work from
floppies try to allocate enough memory to the RAM disc to copy the whole
database onto it before you start work. This will speed up searches and
reports enormously.
1.1.2 Installation
Most users will receive Powerbase in the form of an ArcFS archive. You are
advised not to run the program directly from the archive (although that is
possible) but to de-archive it as follows. Run the supplied read-only
version of ArcFS and double-click on the Powerbase archive. The archive will
open to reveal the !Powerbase application which should be dragged to a
suitable directory window. It is suggested that you also, by the same
method, de-archive the sample databases e.g. !Elements, !Boxes, !Friends
from the Examples archive if you intend to experiment with them or work
through either of the tutorials. The tutorials are provided in a separate
booklet. If databases are completely new to you we recommend you to work
thought the Quick Tutorial which is based on the simple address-book
database !Friends. If you are somewhat more experienced but are using
Powerbase for the first time you will probably find Tutorial, using the
!Elements database, more appropriate. Archives, unpacking
1.1.3 Disclaimer
No warranty, express or implied, is made about the suitability of Powerbase
for any purpose. We cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage due
to the use of this software. All enquiries, requests for upgrades etc,
should be directed to:
Powerbase support
112, Keighley Road
Tel: (01282) 866835
email: quercus@ukgateway.net
website: www.pendle.ukgateway.net/
When requesting an upgrade please enclose four first-class stamps.
1.2 Starting and ending a work session
1.2.1 Loading Powerbase
Double-click on the Powerbase icon in a directory window and the program
will load and place its icon on the iconbar. The words “No data” will
appear under the icon indicating that no database is open yet.
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1.2.2 Opening a database
A database may be opened for use by either of the following methods:
• Dragging the database icon onto the Powerbase icon on the iconbar.
• Double-clicking on the database icon. This is the more usual method
and may be used even if Powerbase is not already loaded, as long as
it has been “seen” by the filer.
Whether you get immediate access to the database depends on whether or not
it is password protected. If no passwords have been defined (as is the case
with all the sample databases on the distribution disc) the main record
window will open and the name of the database will appear under the
Powerbase icon.
A password-protected database will display the Access window in the middle
of the screen requesting you to enter a password and perhaps even a personal
user I.D. as well. The window has an Open button which should be clicked
with SELECT when you have entered the required information. There is also a
Cancel button which removes the window from the screen without further
action. Passwords and I.D.s are case-sensitive and, if incorrectly entered,
result in either a “Password not known” or “Access denied” message. After
three successive incorrect entries Powerbase will close down and remove
itself from the iconbar.
1.2.3 Closing a database
There are three ways of closing a database:
• Open another database, either by double-clicking or dragging to the
Powerbase icon.
• Choose Quit from Powerbase's iconbar menu. This also quits Powerbase
• Choose Close database from the iconbar menu. This still leaves the
Powerbase application running. The wording underneath reverts to
“No data”.
If you have made any change to the database while it was open the disc will
be automatically updated so that your changes are not lost, regardless of
which of the above three methods of closure is used.
1.2.4 Quitting Powerbase
Choose Quit from the iconbar menu. You need not specifically close your
database first; any changes made to it will be saved before Powerbase quits.
1.3 Obtaining help
1.3.1 Using the Acorn Help application
When you are first becoming acquainted with Powerbase you may find it useful
to load Acorn’s Help application (from Apps on the iconbar). Resize the Help
window, if you wish, and move it to some convenient place on the screen.
Moving the mouse pointer over the various windows, icons and many of the
menus displayed by Powerbase will then give a brief description of the
purpose of each.
1.3.2 Using the Helpreader text
Further help is available from the Help option which appears on both the
main menu and the iconbar menu. Choosing this option displays a text file
which you can “navigate” by means of small orange buttons included in the
text. Clicking with SELECT on such a button takes you directly to the part
of the text referred to. Double-clicking with ADJUST takes you back to where
you were when you last clicked on a button. Clicking MENU over the text
window displays a menu giving an alternative means of access to specific
parts of the text. The text has deliberately been kept fairly short and is
in no way a substitute for this manual; it is intended to provide basic
information only.
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